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GelAloe Vera gel drinks
Gel drinks for your health in a special Christmas set. Gel Drink with Aloe Vera content is a great food supplement that supplies the body with the necessary vitamins. Does not contain aloin, artificial colours, sugar, gluten or lactose. This set is available in these flavours: Aloe Vera 99.5% Gel Drink - Vitamin C Aloe Vera 99.5% Gel Drink - Grape Aloe Vera 99.5% Gel Drink - Apple & Acai0 6161RUB61RUB

Aloe Vera gel drinks в Междуреченске
Gel drinks for your health in a special Christmas set. Gel Drink with Aloe Vera content is a great food supplement that supplies the body with the necessary vitamins. Does not contain aloin, artificial colours, sugar, gluten or lactose. This set is available in these flavours: Aloe Vera 99.5% Gel Drink - Vitamin C Aloe Vera 99.5% Gel Drink - Grape Aloe Vera 99.5% Gel Drink - Apple & Acai
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